What Does It All Mean?
Everything God created has its own electromagnetic field. Additionally, everything electronic that man makes has an electromagnetic field as well. These are measurable types of energy, and energy is what powers every cell in our bodies. Every living function, whether conscious or subconscious, physical or mental, is powered by low levels of electrical currents in our bodies. Have you ever thought about why we use electric shock paddles to restart a heart?
EMF stands for ElectroMagnetic Field or Frequency.
EMC, ElectroMagnetic Chaos, is just a more dramatic way of saying EMF.
EMR, ElectroMagnetic Radiation, is the energy projected from the electromagnetic frequencies.
Just as there are good fats and bad fats, there are also good frequencies and bad frequencies for our body.
We cannot eliminate EMF exposure, but we can protect ourselves from its effects.
Our products help to protect you from the harmful effects of EMF exposure.